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Gluten Free Mini Egg Millionaire Shortbread

This recipe is for a 9 inch (23cm) square baking tin. If your baking tin is a different size, see the ingredients conversions written just about this recipe box.
Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes
Servings: 9 large square millionaires = 9 inch / 23cm square baking tin



  • 200 grams Stork block
  • 305 grams gluten free self-raising flour - can also use gluten free plain flour
  • 95 grams caster sugar
  • 1 x 85g bag of Mini Eggs


  • 150 grams dark brown soft sugar
  • 150 grams butter
  • 397 grams condensed milk - this is 1 tin - 14oz


  • 300 grams chocolate of your choice
  • 1 x 85g bag of Mini Eggs/any other chocolates you'd like


  • Pre-heat your oven to 160oC (fan)
  • Line your baking tin with baking paper/foil.
  • Cut the Stork into rough squares and place into a mixing bowl. Add the caster sugar to the bowl too.
    >We cut the Stork into smaller pieces to make it easier to whisk at the next stage
  • Cream the Stork & sugar until smooth and fluffy.
    >Ideally, mix with an electric hand whisk for about 30 seconds. Don't cut this time short because (1) it creates a creamy shortbread and (2) it warms up the butter which makes the next stage easier!
    >You could also use a wooden spoon but you'll have to really go for it!!
  • Add the flour and whisk again. It'll start resembling breadcrumbs like the first picture. Keep whisking and it will then form bigger lumps like the second picture. Stop at this point!
    >Don't worry about sieving the flour – just tip it in
    >There should be no white flour showing by the time you've finished this stage, it should be all mixed in
  • Take 1 bag of mini eggs and bash into small pieces
    >I do this in the original packaging or a sandwich bag and bash it with a rolling pin.
    >The pieces need to be quite small so they don't get in the way when you're cutting your Millionaires. You can see the size in this picture.
  • Add them to the dough and mix around.
  • Next you need to get the dough into the bottom of your baking tin. It won't look like there's enough but I promise there is!! The best way I find to do this:
    A. Use your hands to press the mix together into a 4 balls. Be quite heavy handed with it!
    B. Flatten the balls a little with the palm of your hand
    C. Place the 4 pieces into the 4 corners of a baking tin.
    D. Push the dough around so its roughly evenly spread across the bottom of the tin. You can use your fingers or the back of a spoon. Be FIRM with it to make sure its properly packed down. Don't worry about being too neat.
    It should look something like this now.
  • Time to neaten it up! Use the back of a spoon to smooth the shortbread out. Focus on the edges – as you can see in the picture above, they're often crumblier looking and creeping up the sides! Push them down and make it nice and neat.
  • Use a fork to poke some air holes across the shortbread
  • Place the tin into the oven for 20-25mins, until it starts to brown (like the picture).
    >Top tip for older ovens: after 10 mins, turn the tin round to cook the shortbread more evenly.
  • Remove from the oven and set aside. You can move straight onto the caramel! No need to wait for it to cool.


  • Add the brown sugar and butter to a pan. Melt on a low temp, stirring constantly until all the sugar has dissolved.
    >Don't rush this step – make sure the sugar is full dissolved. If not, you'll end up with a grainy millionaire.
  • Add a little bit of the condensed milk and stir until fully mixed in. Add more, mix in. Repeat until all of your condensed milk is incorporated
  • Bring to a gentle simmer for 30 seconds, stirring constantly still.
    >It should look like a thick caramel now (a bit thicker than the consistency of custard).
  • Pour the mix straight onto the shortbread. Place into the fridge to cool.
    >You can also leave to cool for an hour at room temperature if your fridge is full!

Add the Chocolate

  • Once the caramel is cool and quite firm to the touch, melt your chocolate.
    >"firm to the touch" means when you slightly press the top, your finger makes a little dent in the caramel, a bit like it would if you poked a ball of blue tak. If your finger just sinks straight in and doesn't leave any mark, its not set enough yet. You can also tell by the temperature – if its cool, it should be good to go!
    >I do this by placing the squares of chocolate in a mixing bowl, onto a pan of gently simmering water. Stir constantly and make sure you pick a pan/mixing bowl combo where the base of the mixing bowl will not touch the boiling water otherwise the chocolate will burn.
  • Pour your milk chocolate over the caramel and spread it out so it covers the caramel.
    >Top tip: as soon as the chocolate hits the cool caramel, it will start to cool. I find it easier to pour the chocolate slowly all over the caramel rather than in one spot so its easier to spread.
    >Spread carefully! You don't want to dig down to the caramel layer. I just use a spatula with very little pressure (almost brushing over the top of the chocolate).
  • Drizzle the white chocolate over the milk chocolate in a random pattern.
  • Use a skewer/end of a spoon to make swirly patterns ontop.
  • Add more bashed Mini Eggs/any other chocolate you'd like to the top.
  • Tap the tin gently on the worksurface to flatten out the chocolate
    >Because its cooling, the white chocolate might be sitting ontop of the milk chocolate, looking like its almost raised. If you tap the tin on the side, it'll all be the same level again
  • Place in the fridge for an hour to set.
  • Cut your millionaires into squares! Tips for how to do that below.


How to cut your millionaires neatly:
  • Boil the kettle
  • Pour the water into a large jug/glass.
  • Place the sharpest knife you have into the water
  • Leave for 30 secs for the knife to warm up
  • Take the knife out, quickly dry it off and cut your millionaires VERY slowly and carefully.
  • After you’ve made a few cuts, the knife will be cool again so clean it off & place back into the boiling water to heat up again
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